Healthy Pastors / Healthy Churches
What would it look like if hundreds of pastors in Greater Austin supported one another?
What would happen to our “little town” if groups of churches committed to working together to share the explicit Gospel while loving their neighbors and serving them?
Simply put: Our first and most basic strategy for reaching the lost focuses on uniting pastors in a geographic region to mobilize their congregations to reach every man, woman, and child in their circle of influence.
We have two groups through which this approach is tangible: Pastors in Covenant and Circles of Accountability.
Latino Leadership Initiative
Austin’s Hispanic population continues to grow. According to the 2010 U.S. Census 35 percent of our residents were Hispanic and nearly 25 percent spoke Spanish. These numbers are only increasing, therefore CTGA wanted to invest something into this community, specifically, the Spanish-only speaking church.
Latino pastors tend to have training in theology and Biblical studies, but little training in leadership, mentoring and coaching. For this reason, their churches are hampered in their ability to reach their full potential.
The Latino Pastor Leadership model includes developing and deploying well equipped Spanish-speaking pastors through programs of leadership training, spiritual development and individual coaching over a three-year period beginning in 2018. They will gain access to John Maxwell leadership programming, marriage retreats, monthly group meetings and one-on-one weekly coaching.
Known to participants as Health Pastors Grow (Pastores Sanos Crecen), the initiative has more information on a deicated website
The initiative has been fully-funded by a generous grant.